Digital Eye Strain Alternative Treatments (Acupuncture, Herbs & Supplements) and Prevention
Eye strain from computer is a result of using a computer or other digital devices for extended periods of time. People who look at digital devices for two or more hours in a row every day have the greatest risk of this condition. But you are not alone – more than 75% of people over 40 who work on computers suffer from computer eye strain. Apart from working adults, kids are also prone to computer eye syndrome as they stare at tablets, especially if their posture and lightning are not ideal.
Computer vision syndrome is a group of vision-related problems that cause discomfort from prolonged digital screen use. It can be really annoying but it is usually not serious – it can improve and get better with new screen habits. What is also important to mention is that Traditional Chinese medicine can offer a solution. That solution includes acupuncture, micro acupuncture 48, Chinese herbs, and nutritional supplements.
In this text, we will explore everything you need to know about computer vision syndrome alternative treatment, symptoms, causes, and lifestyle changes that can help prevent it.
Computer Eye Strain Alternative Treatment: Call Makari Wellness and Feel Relief
Makari Wellness strives to offer the integrated whole-body approach to computer vision syndrome treatment to deliver the best possible results. With more than 15 years of experience, we use clinically proven methods to treat eye conditions, including eye pain from screen. Our vision treatment program is individualized to address the unique needs of every patient.
We also proudly present telemedicine consultations, the newest addition to our treatments. With the convenience of your home, you can use the opportunity to receive customized herbs, supplements, therapies, and home care exercises by Mike Woodworth. Try our fast and comprehensive vision consultations via video link.
What is Computer Vision Syndrome?
It is not uncommon to feel eye strain from computers and electronics. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a strain on the eyes caused by prolonged computer use or other digital devices. There is no doubt that anyone who has spent an hour or so on the computer has experienced some of this strain. Also, if you have an existing eye problem, the strain may be even worse, so computer eyestrain can be caused by uncorrected or undercorrected vision problems.
When you use a digital screen, your eyes are working hard to focus properly. They need to focus and refocus all the time, move back and forth while reading, and constantly shift focus, sending rapidly varying images to the brain. All these activities require a lot of effort for your eye muscles. Also, in normal circumstances, we tend to blink 15-20 times a minute. This helps tears spread evenly over your eyeballs, keeping them hydrated and preventing dryness and eye irritation. But we blink less than half as often during screen time, which is not nearly enough. Other factors that can make this condition worse include:
- Poor posture while using a computer
- Screen glare
- Poor setup of your computer workstation
- Poor lighting
- Circulating air, such as from a nearby fan or air conditioning
- Uncorrected vision problems
- Combination of these factors
Although this condition is not permanent and does not leave consequences, it can be really unpleasant and aggravating. It can reduce your ability to concentrate and make you tired. Still, this does not mean that you need to give up your screen time; you just have to make some adjustments.
Computer Vision Syndrome Symptoms
The degree to which people have visual symptoms is often determined by their visual ability and the amount of time they spend looking at a computer screen. When using a computer or other digital device, uncorrected vision impairments such as farsightedness and astigmatism, insufficient eye focusing or coordination abilities, and age changes in the eyes, such as presbyopia, can all contribute to the development of visual symptoms. Some of them are:
- Eyestrain
- Eye fatigue
- Dry eyes
- Eye discomfort
- Headaches
- Eye tearing
- Blurred and double vision
- Red eyes
- Eye itching
- Irritation
- Neck or back pain
The symptoms can get worse if you do not treat them. Most of them are temporary and often lessen or go away when you reduce the factors that lead to eye strain.
More on Eye Diseases
- Vital Benefits of Acupuncture for Dry Eyes
- Uveitis Explained: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Alternative Treatment
- How to Get Rid of Migraines with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Natural Cataract Treatments and Prevention
- Expert’s Guide Through Glaucoma Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention
- Myopia Explained: The Most Effective and Natural Treatments
- Causes, Symptoms, and Lazy Eye Natural Treatment Options
- Lattice Degeneration – Symptoms, Causes, and Proven Natural Treatments (Acupuncture, TCM and Herbs)
How to Treat Computer Vision Syndrome?
Many of you may ask How to cure computer vision syndrome? Fortunately, it is not permanent and is easily treatable by changing the way you use the digital screens and using alternative treatments like acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and Chinese herbal medicine. Easing the digital eye strain may include:
Adjusting Your Computer
Set your computer screen at a distance of 20 to 28 inches from your eyes. Eye strain can be exacerbated by sitting too near to a digital screen. Four to five inches below eye level is a good place to put the screen. Tilt the screen backward by roughly 10 to 20 degrees. Make sure your neck is not tilted upward or downward to see the screen. Moreover, increase the contrast, brightness, and font size on your device to make the text and photos more apparent and easier to read.
Reducing Glare
When light reflects off your screen, it causes screen glare. The light usually comes from overhead lights or neighboring windows. You can reduce or remove glare by doing the following:
- To decrease or minimize screen glare, close blinds, shades, or curtains on windows.
- Using light bulbs with a lower wattage
- Dim overhead lights
- Using a PC with a matte screen glare filter
Taking Regular Breaks
If you use your digital screen continuously, the risk of developing computer vision syndrome increases. To minimize the risk, taking routine breaks can be beneficial.
- Use the 20-20-20 rule. It implies that you need to look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes.
- Rest every 120 minutes for 15 minutes. Move away from the screen and focus on the objects that are further or closer away than your screen.
- Do non-screen-related tasks. During the break, do not focus on another digital screen. Try to do the tasks unrelated to the screen, for example, taking a walk or organizing your paperwork.
- Blinking often. Do not forget to blink often, as it prevents your eyes from drying out and helps spread mucus and moisture throughout. If it does not help, try using eye drops to keep your eyes moisturized.
Adjusting Your Posture
Eye strain can be exacerbated by poor posture. It is critical to have a workstation that encourages proper posture when you are seated at your computer. Keep these guidelines in mind for excellent posture when sitting in front of a computer or other digital screen:
- Avoid leaning forward with your head and neck; straighten your back and position your ears over your shoulders.
- Maintain a comfortable posture with your shoulders; keep them relaxed. Avoid slouching forward or hunching.
- Place your computer screen at a small angle below your eyes. To view the screen well, make sure you do not have to tilt your head up or down or lean forward.
- Use a chair that is the perfect height for you. Keep your feet level on the floor, and your knees bent at a sharp angle and slightly higher than your hips.
- Make sure you are sitting in a chair that provides adequate back support. Sit back in your chair and feel the back of the chair supporting your spine.
Computer Vision Syndrome Natural Treatment
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a solution if your eyes hurt from screen. The main aim of TCM is to restore the balance of the two opposing forces of Yin and Yang, illustrating the polarity and notion that one characteristic cannot exist without the other.
Another belief is that the vital energy called Qi flows through the body, performing several different functions to maintain health. Qi flows through the meridians, described as energy pathways positioned throughout our body. When this energy flow is blocked, a disease happens. By manipulating the flow of Qi, the role of TCM practitioners is to correct or balance its flow in order to cure the disease. Some of the TCM’s main modalities is acupuncture, which is proven beneficial in treating symptoms of computer vision syndrome.
Acupuncture for Computer Vision Syndrome
Stimulating Qi and blood circulation to the eyes is the main aim of acupuncture. It will also remove wind and heat by addressing the following acupoints:
- LI4 or Hegu
- BL1 or Jingming
- BL2 or Zanzhu
- MHN9 or Taiyang
- KD3 or Taixi
- GB20 or Fengchi
By addressing those, and others if necessary, your acupuncturist will stimulate the production of the body’s own natural chemicals to relieve redness, itchiness, and irritation.
Micro acupuncture 48 is an acupuncture system that uses 48 acupoints located only on the hands and feet. It is a relatively new system, but it shows a great deal of measurable and positive clinical results. It is used for a wide variety of health problems but is very effective in treating eye diseases.
Chinese Herbs for Computer Vision Syndrome
They come in several different forms – teas, capsules, powders, liquid extracts, fresh or dried herbs, and tablets. Some of the most common Chinese herbs include:
- Ginkgo Biloba – improves blood flow to the back of the eye and is a powerful antioxidant.
- Green tea – is infused with vitamin C, E, lutein, zeaxanthin, and other antioxidants that help guard eye tissue.
- Wolfberries – as one of the traditional herbs for eye health, wolfberries are known to moisten dry eyes and improve eyesight.
- Buddleia flower buds – help alleviate light sensitivity and dim eyesight.
- Bilberry extract – reduces eye muscle strain.
Nutritional Supplements for Computer Vision Syndrome
Multivitamins and natural dietary sources, such as leafy green vegetables, fruits, eggs, meats, fish, and nuts, already include many of these eye-supporting elements:
- Vitamin A aids in the maintenance of clear, sharp eyesight as well as the prevention of night blindness.
- Vitamin E can help protect your eyes from free radicals.
- Zinc can strengthen the retinal cells.
- Zeaxanthin is believed to help block damaging blue light from reaching the inner retinal structures.
- Omega-3 fatty acids – reduces tear evaporation.
How to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome?
Although we already mentioned some things you can do to reduce eye strain from computer, as treatments and prevention tend to overlap, let’s repeat them briefly:
- Use screen glare filter
- Enlarge the text on your device
- Blink often
- Reduce glare from light sources
- Fix your chair height
- Use lubricating drops
- Treat any underlying eye disease
- Stay hydrated
- Create a more humid work environment
- Take regular breaks
- If wear glasses, use special lenses for reducing eye strain