Acupuncture for Allergies

Spring is coming and it is bringing back allergies. However, plant pollen is not the only allergen. Among other things, people can be allergic to dust, certain food or pet dander. Many suffer from itching eyes, ears, or throat, sneezing and breathing hardships. Instead of stocking your cabinet with nasal sprays and antihistamines, try the Traditional Chinese Medicine way – Acupuncture!

Allergies are defined as the reaction of the immune system to some benign substance. Those substances which cause allergies are called allergens. A person may be allergic to all kinds of food, pollen, mold, dust, or drugs. There are also other factors that include the lifestyle of a person, such as increased stress, vitamin deficiency, lack of sleep or physical activity. Most allergens can be found during the whole year except from pollen in spring and ambrosia in the fall.

Most people usually treat allergies with various asthma medications, nasal sprays, decongestants, allergy shots, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners approach allergies in different ways, such as acupuncture, herbs, cupping, gua sha, and more. Acupuncture will help your immune system to regulate the response to these allergens. Also, it can help with persistent symptoms such as running nose, fatigue, headaches, itchy eyes, and congestion. Additionally, acupuncture will relieve and help your whole-body system and you’ll avoid the side effects which allergy drugs can cause.

Makari Wellness – Acupuncture for Allergies in San Diego

A licensed and certified Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist, Michael Woodworth is the founder of Makari Wellness, and he has been helping people for more than fifteen years in treating various conditions. Acupuncture is one of his specialties and was proven to be very effective in treating allergy symptoms. Michael works within body’s energy system to regulate and balance the meridians which flow through organs and systems. Makari Wellness offers its clients lifestyle and nutrition recommendations that will additionally improve the immune system and control the allergens causing the symptoms.

Book your consultation today and experience the best acupuncture in San Diego and Oceanside. Contact us at (888) 871-8889.

What is an Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a method of therapy known and traditionally practiced for thousands of years in East Asian countries. It is the alternative treatment based on the belief that energy qi flows through the meridians in our body.

  • Acupuncturists insert needles in specific points to restore the energy flow, eventually eliminating some conditions’ pain or symptoms.
  • To keep the flow lines going and function properly, acupuncture renews transmission between organs and the nervous system.
  • The main goal of acupuncture is to detect the root of the energy decrease and boost the entire immune system.

Emotional, spiritual, and physical dysfunctions are treated with acupuncture since it helps the body rewire the whole nervous and immune system and improve mood, inflammation, and hormones.

There are two different approaches to acupuncture, one being traditional Chinese which focuses on qi flow and other is a Western approach which stimulates the body’s system. People use it to relieve long-term pain such as:

  • Sport injuries and knee pain
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Back, neck, and muscle pain
  • Arthritis

Acupuncture can also treat some more serious conditions such as infertility, immune system issues, cancer and its treatment side effects, menopause and pregnancy discomfort, and other syndromes.

Acupuncture for Allergy Relief

By strengthening your immune system, acupuncture alleviates common allergy symptoms like sneezing, headaches, running nose, etc. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and impacts homeostatic mechanism. Thus, those suffering from allergic rhinitis can benefit from acupuncture because it stimulates those tissues and nerves along with releasing endorphins, helping with swelling, and lessening inflammation.

Most of the allergies may be indigenous and some are individually developed. People who suffer from food or medication allergies will most likely avoid those allergens to prevent reaction. Acupuncture can relieve seasonal allergies, i.e., reduce the symptoms and make it easier for the people struggling each year.

When acupuncture is used to treat allergies, it rebalances the body’s system and several targeted meridians, including the lungs, stomach, spleen, and colon. Stimulating and targeting certain acupuncture points helps to restore the energy in these body parts and the body itself immediately relieves the symptoms.

What Acupuncture Does?

  • Calms mind and spirit – this is especially important because acupuncture is the time and place for our mind to shut down and free itself from everyday stress. Bear in mind that stress adds to symptoms since it is an environmental factor.
  • Boosts immunity – Acupuncture opens the meridians and passages through which the fluids flow, but pressure and pain fade.
  • Relieves pain – The moment our mind is relaxed and calm, our body relaxes too. The pressure from head, neck, sinuses, and the chest is removed.

Acupuncture Points for Allergy Treatment

Large Intestine 20 – Yingxiang

This point is also called Open or Welcome Fragrance. It is located on the outside of both nostrils to the side, which means applying needles will open the nasal passages. This point is suggested for those experiencing rhinorrhea, itching, obstruction, and face swelling.

Bladder 2 – Cuanzgu

This point is located between the brows by the center of the forehead and it is indicated for headache, redness and tearing of the eyes, and sinus pressure.

Stomach 2 – Sibai

Stomach 2 is located right below the eyes on the cheekbones. The point is on the bone, below the soft part of the eyelid. Some of the indications of this point are itching, red, and painful eyes all of which are allergy symptoms.

Spleen 5 – Shanqiu

It is located on the inside of the ankle and stimulating it can help relieve allergies. It can help with headaches and calms the spirit.

What is Allergy?

An allergy is our immune system’s response to perceiving a foreign substance as a threat. Our body produces antibodies to fight those foreign substances. We experience symptoms such as running nose, watery eyes, itches of different body parts, and sneezing. These symptoms are our body’s way to get rid of allergens. allergy acupuncture points.

Allergies have become very common among people of all ages. In the USA, more than 50 million people suffer from different allergy types and it has become the sixth leading cause of chronic illnesses.

Allergy Types

Besides the allergies listed below, which are the most common, people may also be allergic to latex, rubber, and stinging insects.

Seasonal allergies – Perennial allergies

Perennial allergies include allergens that are present throughout the year. Seasonal allergies usually occur in spring and early fall. Both are known as inhalant allergies because substances that we inhale (breathe in) cause reactions. Common symptoms:

  • Watery or itchy eyes
  • Stuffy, running, and itching nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy body parts
  • Asthma is a condition and inhalant allergies can trigger or worsen the symptoms, such as shortness of breath or wheezing.

Seasonal allergies include pollens, an airborne allergen picked up and carried by the wind. It is found in trees, grass, or weeds which emerge as yellow dust on surfaces or float in the air. Pollen allergens from trees appear in the spring, while weed pollen (ragweed) appears in late summer/early fall.

Perennial allergies include:

  • Pets
  • Cockroaches
  • Dust mites
  • Mold

Food Allergies

Food allergies occur when your body releases an antibody to some food. The reaction occurs almost immediately, and consequences can be severe. The most common allergy foods are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, shellfish, etc.

Symptoms include:

  • Hives
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Itching
  • Swelling mouth, tongue, or face
  • In case of IgE-mediated food allergy, symptom can be anaphylaxis

Medication allergies

Medicines include herbal, over-the-counter, or prescription. Medications that can cause allergic reactions are antibiotics, insulin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and some chemotherapy drugs.

Symptoms may be:

  • Hives
  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Lack of breath

What Can We Do to Manage Allergies?

Acupuncture is definitely one of the alternatives worth trying if you suffer from seasonal and perennial allergies and if you don’t want to use medications. But there are some steps which we can follow to prevent excessive symptoms during allergy season.

  • Keep windows and doors closed in the early morning and late afternoon when most of the pollen is released in the air.
  • If possible, we should stick to indoor activities.
  • When coming from the outside, taking a shower can wash off the pollen which fell o the wardrobe or hair.
  • At the beginning of the spring cleaning moldy and dusty areas like basements, attics and air vents can take out some of the allergens.