Acupuncture and Herbs: The Best Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
Some people often complain about feeling dizziness and fatigue as soon as they wake up. They rarely see it as a problem since such a sense is usually associated with the lack of sleep, tiredness from work, or consequences of a busy lifestyle. In most cases, the coffee break comes as the best solution.
However, the mentioned symptoms often imply low blood pressure. It is a common disorder among people whose blood pressure is lower than 60/100 mm Hg, especially in the morning, right after waking up. Although it is not about a severe condition, low blood pressure can be quite exhausting – therefore, you need to find a remedy to help you get rid of consistent tiredness.
Acupuncture for low blood pressure is one of the best natural treatments for this disorder. It is usually combined with herbs and other natural supplements that contain vitamins and substances vital for achieving general well-being.
Let’s learn more about the benefits of acupuncture for low blood pressure and see how to maintain normal blood pressure levels.
Makari Wellness San Diego: A Natural Remedy for Low Blood Pressure
Mike Woodworth from Makari Wellness excels in treating various cardiovascular conditions that failed to respond to conventional therapies. Using the most efficient and innovative acupuncture techniques and herbal formulae, Mike can help you reduce the signs of low blood pressure and live a happier and healthier life.
Give us a call at (888) 871-8889 and learn more about the best acupuncture and herbs for low blood pressure San Diego can offer.

Low Blood Pressure: Overview
Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a disorder that can cause dizziness and fainting. Many different factors can cause it, and it is essential to find the triggering one in order to determine the adequate treatment. Although it is quite a common disorder, hypotension sometimes can be life-threatening.
Low blood pressure often signals an underlying condition, especially when it drops suddenly. In that case, it is followed by symptoms such as:
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Fainting
- Blurred vision
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Difficulty to concentrate.
Extreme hypotension can lead to shock, which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical assistance. It is followed by:
- Confusion
- Cold, pale skin
- Rapid and shallow breathing
- Weak and rapid pulse.
Reasons for experiencing hypotension are diverse, and you may expect it in case of:
- Pregnancy
- Severe infections
- Allergic reactions
- Blood loss due to severe injuries
- Endocrine problems
- Cardiovascular problems
- Dehydration
- Anemia.
You can also have low blood pressure due to medications, such as diuretics, antidepressants, beta-blockers, etc.
Risk Factors
Anyone can develop hypotension, but certain groups of people are more prone to it than others. That said, the risk of low blood pressure depends on the following:
- Age: People older than 65 are more prone to hypotension, but children and young adults can have it, as well.
- Drug therapies: The risk of hypotension is higher if you’re taking certain medications, such as alpha-blockers.
- Underlying diseases: Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and heart issues increase the risk of hypotension.
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Natural Cure for Low Blood Pressure
Adequate treatment for low blood pressure depends mainly on the factor that causes it. If some medications are the reason for your hypotension, you’ll probably need to stop using them. If something else causes it, your doctor or practitioner will create a treatment plan based on your symptoms and underlying causes.
This issue often doesn’t require drug therapy, but doctors and practitioners rather suggest low blood pressure natural treatment. Apart from changing some lifestyle habits, about which we will talk later in the article, you are encouraged to try Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments, which commonly come as a powerful combination of acupuncture and herbs.
These alternative methods are based on the holistic approach, which addresses the signs of low blood pressure and its underlying causes. The most significant advantage of TCM is the ability to help patients achieve general well-being and inspire them to start living a much healthier life. It delivers long-lasting results naturally and efficiently.
TCM aims to detect potential imbalances and deficiencies in the organism and develop an individualized treatment plan based on a person’s diagnosis. According to TCM practice, the hypotension’s symptoms, including paleness, fatigue, dizziness, and weakness, are often associated with “spleen qi deficiency.” It means that your treatment will be based on nurturing the body and retrieving the lost balance.
Low Blood Pressure and Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been widely used for treating a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions, from back and neck pain to more complex cardiovascular and neurological diseases. It involves the insertion of thin, small, and stainless steel needles into specific acupoints on the person’s body, encouraging blood and energy circulation.
The overall procedure is entirely safe and painless, and the results you will get are visible and long-lasting. A definite number of therapies will be determined by your practitioner, who will consider your general health and specific symptoms you are experiencing due to low blood pressure.
Acupuncture is often combined with herbs and similar methods to deliver more measurable and better outcomes. It activates essential pathways that carry vital energy, crucial for helping you achieve general well-being and boost the immune system. Acupuncture sessions will reduce pain, fatigue, stress, anxiety, and similar issues that might prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
Electroacupuncture for Low Blood Pressure
Electroacupuncture is considered one of the most efficient low blood pressure natural remedies. It is similar to acupuncture, but the needles are stimulated electrically and not by hand, which is why this technique is suitable for rising blood pressure.
A certified practitioner will probably suggest combining electroacupuncture and herbal remedies to enhance the entire process and provide you with more remarkable results.
Chinese Herbs for Low Blood Pressure
A Chinese herbalist will recommend an adequate herbal formula to alleviate the symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, fainting, paleness, and similar signs associated with hypotension. Since you’ll probably be diagnosed with blood and qi deficiencies, a practitioner will recommend a therapy that consists of herbs and ingredients that tonify particular organs (spleen, kidneys, and heart) and boost blood and qi. Hence, your treatment may include the following:
- Ginseng
- Astragalus root
- Lotus seed
- Beef
- Ginger
- Red dates
- Yams
- Black bone chicken.
These plants and ingredients will boost your heart and kidney function, elevating your low blood pressure and reestablishing your organism’s harmony. You will also need to avoid certain foods such as bananas, onion, celery, eggplant, and pineapple since those can make your blood pressure go even lower. You should also limit the consumption of apples because they induce urination.
Low Blood Pressure Natural Treatment: DO’s and DON’TS
The best way to alleviate hypotension symptoms is to change some lifestyle habits and pay attention to what you eat and drink. Your regular diet has a significant impact on your overall health, which is why you should add/remove specific products that might be causing low blood pressure. Here are some healthy tips for creating an ideal diet for raising blood pressure levels:
DO: Eat Salty Foods
Foods rich in sodium will elevate your blood pressure and reduce the signs of fatigue and tiredness. Include olives, cottage cheese, canned soup or tuna in your diet, or add more salt to the meals you usually eat.
DON’T: Eat Processed Carbs
Foods high in processed carbs are generally unhealthy, especially for people with hypotension. These foods digest pretty quickly compared to other foods, which is why they provoke sudden drops in blood pressure. Go for low-carb meals instead and improve your general health.
DO: Take Vitamins B9 and B12
The lack of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia, which lowers blood pressure and can damage some organs and nerves. B9 deficiency leads to similar health issues, which is why it is essential to boost the intake of these two vitamins, whether through foods or supplements. It’s recommended to eat more eggs, chicken, fish (especially salmon and tuna), low-fat dairy products, broccoli, liver, asparagus, etc.
DON’T: Eat Large Meals
Your body needs more energy to digest larger portions, which often leads to sudden drops in blood pressure. Try not to skip breakfasts and meals since such habits often result in over-eating, which is bad for your digestion and blood flow. It’s better to have smaller meals throughout the day instead.
DO: Drink Caffeine
Beverages rich in caffeine, such as coffee and tea, can increase heart rate and elevate your blood pressure. Still, it is just a temporary solution. Some people may not experience any improvements in their blood pressure after taking caffeine, especially regular coffee drinkers, who have a higher tolerance for its effects.
DON’T: Drink Alcohol
Alcohol has many adverse health effects, among which is dehydration that leads to low blood pressure. If you drink from time to time, make sure you have a glass of water after each alcoholic beverage to prevent dehydration.