
Essential Benefits of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for Heart Palpitations

The contemporary era and busy lifestyle have contributed to the increased levels of stress and anxiety among people. Although their impact might seem insignificant, the truth is that these two factors can cause a wide variety of health conditions, including heart palpitations.

Heart palpitations don’t necessarily imply a particular heart disease, but they might be a sign of a more or less severe underlying condition. They can be diagnosed using ECG (electrocardiogram), and further therapy will be suggested based on the results.

Acupuncture for heart palpitations is one of the most efficient drug-free therapies that reduce signs of irregular heartbeats. It is often combined with other methods, such as Chinese herbs since such a holistic approach provides better and more long-lasting results. Acupuncture and herbs also help reduce stress and anxiety, inspiring you to start living a healthier life.

The following article will explain Eastern medicine’s benefits for heart palpitations, including the critical facts about irregular heartbeats.

Treatment for Anxiety, Palpitations and Insomnia.

How to Cure Heart Palpitations Naturally? Ask Mike Woodworth from San Diego, CA

Mike Woodworth, the founder of Makari Wellness, and one of the most prominent acupuncturists from San Diego, CA, provides the most efficient and innovative alternative treatments that include acupuncture and herbs for irregular heartbeat.

Call us at (888) 871-8889 and book your appointment at the best clinic for acupuncture and herbs for tachycardia in San Diego.

Michael Woodworth

What are Heart Palpitations?

Heart palpitations refer to the ability to sense abnormal heartbeats. It often feels like your heart stops for a second, skips beats, or is pounding harder, quicker (tachycardia), or slower (bradycardia) than usual. These symptoms can last for a few seconds, but you may also feel the inconvenience for days, depending on the problem’s primary cause.

Symptoms of Heart Palpitations

When experiencing irregular heartbeats, you may feel some of the following signs:

  • Fullness in the throat
  • Fast/slow heartbeat, or skipped beats
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia.

These symptoms aren’t often associated with serious heart disease, but you shouldn’t ignore them. In some cases, they may indicate a cardiovascular problem, which is why it is essential to detect the primary cause on time.

Causes of Heart Palpitations

Many factors can cause heart palpitations, and they are often associated with lifestyle habits or an underlying disease. They may include:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Hypertension
  • Medication side-effects
  • Magnesium or potassium deficiencies
  • High levels of adrenaline (too much caffeine or stress).

Heart palpitations often come as a byproduct of chronic disease, for example:

  • Diabetes
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Endomyocardial fibrosis
  • Scar tissue in heart muscle.

Women may experience heart palpitations during pregnancy or menopause.

How to Relieve Heart Palpitations?

Heart palpitations can be quite uncomfortable, which is why people start looking for a cure as soon as they notice any symptoms. One of the best ways to address irregular heartbeats’ signs is to try natural remedies for tachycardia. They are entirely safe and free of any chemicals that could affect your organism, and they have proven to be efficient in reducing the signs of heart palpitations provoked by different factors.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Heart Palpitations

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an antique yet quite efficient method that has been used for more than a thousand years for treating the signs of different health conditions. The entire concept of TCM is based on the holistic approach that combines various techniques to improve both the physical and mental aspects of a person’s general health. Therefore, this is one of the most effective and complete remedies for heart palpitations that brings long-term improvements.

The most commonly used TCM treatment for heart palpitations includes the combination of acupuncture and herbs. This method provides significant improvements in patients suffering from arrhythmias, delivering even better outcomes than conventional drug therapies.

The primary benefit of Traditional Chinese Medicine lies in the holistic method that addresses not only the problem itself but any underlying disease that might be causing it in the first place. That way, patients will feel improvements in their general well-being, not only regarding the specific condition.

Acupuncture for Heart Palpitations

Acupuncture originates from Eastern medicine, and it has been used for centuries for treating different types of cardiovascular, neurological, ocular, and other more or less severe conditions. Although it is primarily used for treating pain, acupuncture plays a vital role in reducing the signs of more complex diseases, especially when used alongside other TCM therapies.

It involves using small, fine, and stainless steel needles that a practitioner inserts into the specific points on the patient’s skin surface – acupoints. The stimulation of those points with special needles encourages the blood and energy flow, the two essential factors that have a considerable role in our well-being.

Despite bringing many concerns, acupuncture is an entirely safe procedure that causes no pain. You should still discuss your options with a licensed practitioner before starting any treatments since the overall process depends on your general health and potential causes of heart palpitations.

Acupuncture for heart palpitations is usually used as a complementary treatment, and its combination with herbs provides significant outcomes. Many recent studies have also confirmed that patients that received acupuncture alongside other therapies recovered much faster than those who underwent drug treatments only.

Acupuncture Points for Irregular Heartbeat

The specific acupoints for heart palpitations will be determined based on what symptoms you are experiencing besides arrhythmia and whether some underlying conditions need to be addressed.

Still, the following acupoints are the most commonly chosen ones:

  • Shenmen (HT7): This point is located on the ear, and it is convenient for reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and inflammatory diseases.
  • Neiguan (PC6): You can find PC6 on the wrist on the inner forearm between two tendons. The stimulation of this point is useful for headaches, nausea, and motion sickness.
  • Shanzhong (CV17): This acupoint is beneficial for maintaining heart health, primarily since it helps clear phlegm and congestion from the chest, resolve anxiety attacks, calm heart palpitations, and relieve acid indigestion.
  • Guanyuan (CV4): The stimulation of CV4 encourages the development of vital energy (qi) and reduces the signs of weakness, exhaustion, shortness of breath, etc.
  • Zusanli (ST36): By activating ST36, you will retrieve the energy balance, relieve pain, and encourage optimal well-being.
  • Qihai (CV6): CV6 harnesses energy reserves, enhancing the overall body capabilities.

Herbs for Heart Palpitations

In general, Chinese herbs and herbal therapies can help you relieve heart palpitations and establish optimal well-being. A licensed Chinese herbalist will recommend the adequate herbal formula based on your particular condition and overall health.

Although herbs are generally safe, you shouldn’t take anything before consulting a practitioner. Some herbs may interfere with the medication you might be taking at the moment, causing potential side-effects.

Here are the 6 most commonly used herbs for arrhythmia:

1.      Hawthorn

Hawthorn is one of the most beneficial choices for the heart since it improves its function, helps treat atherosclerosis, lower high cholesterol, and keep blood pressure levels under control.

Hawthorn also has the ability to regulate the electrical activity of the heart, which is pretty useful for treating heart palpitations. It is significant for regulating dysfunctional heart rhythm, protecting arteries from oxidative damage, and lowering blood pressure.

2.      Motherwort

Motherwort is a part of the mint family, and it has a tremendous impact on the cardiovascular system. It is frequently used for treating rapid heartbeats, heart palpitations, stress, and anxiety, but you should take it for long periods of time to see the best results.

You can make a motherwort tea or take it in the form of a capsule. The latter option is much more efficient since it’s stronger.

3.      Reishi

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the majority of heart problems come as a result of yin or qi deficiency. These imbalances often affect the entire body, which is why the practitioners’ goal consists in retrieving the lost balance and establishing general well-being.

Therefore, a Chinese herbalist may recommend reishi as an integral part of your herbal formula. It regulates any dysfunctions that might cause palpitations, and it is especially useful in reducing anxiety and elevated stress levels.

4.      Zizyphus

Zizyphus is another Chinese herb that helps resolve anxiety-driven heart palpitations. It is also a mild sedative, which is why it is highly efficient for people suffering from arrhythmia as they are trying to fall asleep.

It can help you improve your sleeping habits and boost the immune system. Still, it shouldn’t be consumed with alcohol due to overlapping effects.

5.      Passionflower

Passionflower is considered one of the best anti-anxiety herbs that help reduce tachycardia signs provoked by stress and nervousness. Besides, it improves cognitive functions and allows us to collect our thoughts and free our minds.

6.      Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is a good treatment for heart palpitations since it helps with anxiety, stress, depression, and insomnia. It has significant calming effects, which is ideal for public speakers and those who suffer from social anxiety.

Acupressure for Heart Palpitations

Although most practitioners tend to combine herbs with acupuncture, acupressure for heart palpitations is another commonly suggested treatment method. It involves using hands or any blunt object to stimulate certain points on the body, and it has more or less the same objectives as acupuncture.

Natural Cure for Tachycardia: 5 Essential Tips for Regulating Your Heartbeat

In most cases, heart palpitations are provoked by some lifestyle habits or external influences that cause an elevated dose of anxiety and stress. Luckily, this is something that can be resolved with a little effort.

Here are the 5 essential tips for embracing tachycardia natural treatment:

1.      Stress Management

Stress has a lot of adverse effects on a person’s health, and heart palpitations are one of them. There are many methods for successful stress management, and some of them include:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Exercise
  • Journaling
  • Spending more time outside.

2.      Eat Food Rich in Electrolytes

Electrolytes are vital for transferring electrical signals throughout the body; and these signals are essential for regulating the heart rate. To boost the levels of electrolytes in your body, we suggest you eat foods rich in:

  • Sodium – you will get enough sodium through a regular diet.
  • Potassium – bananas, potatoes, spinach, avocados, etc.
  • Calcium – dairy products and dark leafy greens.
  • Magnesium – nuts and fish.

3.      Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol brings severe consequences to a human’s organism, especially if taken at abundant levels. It frequently causes heart palpitations, leading to even more severe cardiovascular conditions, which is why it is vital to avoid it.

4.      Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is beneficial for overall cardiovascular health as it helps restore the heart’s normal rhythm. Besides, it helps strengthen the heart, which prevents the onset of palpitations and reduces the existing ones. Some of the activities you can perform are:

  • Biking
  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Walking.

5.      Drink More Water

When your body is not hydrated enough, it has to work harder to circulate blood, causing heart palpitations. Hence, it’s recommended drinking plenty of water during the day, especially when:

  • The urine is dark
  • Your heart rate increases
  • You have dry mouth
  • You feel thirsty
  • You have a headache
  • You feel dizzy
  • Your skin is dry.

Changing some lifestyle habits can be challenging, but thanks to Traditional Chinese Medicine’s holistic concept, you’ll become more inspired to pay more attention to your health. That way, you will go through the modification process much more easily, and the improvements you will see after receiving treatments will boost your motivation.