Internal Medicine

Michael receiving his ICEAM Diplomate title from Dr. Arnaud Versluys 12/2017


Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have been proven to assist people with serious Western disease diagnosis. In modern Asian countries people rely on Chinese Medicine for support with Cancer and Chemotherapy. It is effective in recovering from surgeries, managing autoimmune conditions and assisting in fertility difficulties. Herbal medicine can help to regulate the body’s hormones and improve a myriad of conditions that go undiagnosed by traditional Western medicine. Come see how Traditional Medicine may serve you!

Whether you have an actual Western medical diagnosis or suffer from a condition which nobody can diagnose, Chinese Medicine may be able to help. Our advanced systems of pulse, abdominal and tongue diagnosis provides a complicated insight into how various systems of the body are functioning and communicating with one another. It is this ability to see underlying connections and internal function that makes Chinese Medicine so powerful. We at Makari Wellness have helped many people find solutions to conditions that Western Medicine simply could not identify or treat effectively.

*Please Note we do not perform consultations as there is very little we can address about treatment without performing an examination (touching you) – the initial visit is your consultation. *