Neuro Degenerative – Alzheimers – Dementia
Makari Wellness is leading the United State’s as one of it’s first and only dedicated Neuro-Vision clinics. Combining the best that alternative and complimentary medicine has to offer, we are pleased to offer safe and effective treatments for many of the neuro-degenerative conditions that our aging population is challenged with. Aging is the result of decreased neuro conductivity and decreased blood circulation as the body’s metabolic systems and circulation begin to decline. It just happens that these are the bodily functions that Classical Chinese Medicine excels at treating. Continuously acknowledged and accepted for its efficacy in treating: fertility, Ob-Gyn, Cardiovascular, Stroke, Pain and many other conditions, Chinese Medicine is showing positive outcomes in the treatment of early onset Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive and brain disorders (Autism, Cerebral Palsy, etc..).
Occurrences of Stroke, Cerebral Dysfunction, and Neurologically degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s are on the rise. It is estimated that over 5.8 million adults are living with Alzheimer’s alone. All of these disorders can benefit far beyond typical expectations by combining Western Medicine with the Modern Application of Traditional Eastern Medicines. Makari Wellness offers Integrated Treatment Programs which can sometimes rollback and slow their progression.
With the average life expectancy on an American reaching approximately 79 years of age we witnessing higher incidents of neurological and cerebral disorders such as stroke, TIA, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Acupuncture has been shown to be able to stimulate blood flow and hasten the development of neural plasticity. Modern medical institutions in China combine Traditional medicine’s use of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs with physical therapy to achieve outstanding results in recovery and return to life. The modern West has much to learn from the integrative approach of Modern China and other Asian countries utilizing both sides of medicine and having superior results.
We at Makari Wellness combine the most effective approaches of Stroke and Neurological Disease treatment to provide the most effective treatments possible for our clients. Combining ancient wisdom with modern methods will give our patients and their loved ones the best possible outcomes. We have personal experiences which motivate us to seek out and learn these techniques and systems which we then make available to others. We have seen many people diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s benefit from a single course of our combined scalp and XNKQ treatments with improved cognitive function, memory, less anxiety and improved sleep and mood.
The Makari Method of preventing or treating early onset Alzheimer’s and other cognitive disorders includes a detailed exam and pattern diagnosis and consists of program of 10-20 treatments. Much like all our other neuro and vision programs, the frequency must be 2-3x/week for a total of 10-20 visits to determine if an individual is responding. Programs consist of combining our XNKQ and Scalp Acupuncture systems, Home Exercise/rehab work and nutritional / herbal supplements. After the initial course- progress will be re-evaluated and if our client is responding ongoing maintenance treatment will be recommended. It is recommended to email or schedule a phone consultation to determine if a client may be a potential candidate- severe and violent, or individuals who cannot remain still for upwards of 40minutes are not candidates for care. Prevention is far easier than resurrection in these cases.
Xiao Nao Kai Qiao – “activating the brain and opening the orifices.”
Dr. Shi Xue-Min is particularly known for his creation of the stroke acupuncture technique Xing Nao Kai Qiao (XNKQ), which is translated as “activating the brain and opening the orifices.” During the Chinese Revolution, he was among a few who survived in his position. After establishing The First Teaching Hospital University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin, China, Dr. Shi’s leadership allowed the hospital to grow to an astounding degree, from 200 beds to 2,000 beds. Although initially seen as a premier means of treatment for stroke and extreme neurological detriments, these techniques have been shown to benefit innumerable conditions but especially those dealing with the brain and nervous system. Visit our Stroke and Neurological Page to learn more. Watch This 3 Part Interview With Dr. Shi Xue Min to learn more about his XNKQ Acupuncture system: Acupuncture Today Part 1, Acupuncture Today Part 2, Acupuncture Today Part 3.
Scalp Acupuncture
Since 1992; stimulating areas of the scalp – which lie over hyperfunctioning, atrophied, or injured brain tissue – will increase blood flow, oxygenation and lead to improved function of brain tissues. Scalp Acupuncture has been practiced since the 1960’s in China. It was first developed by a Neurologist who was familiar with modern maps of the brain, which correlate with receptive and functional cortex zones that are well documented. This has been shown to be correct with functional MRI studies. Improvement at first is temporary but with persistent treatments, this improvement can become permanent. Long-lasting improvement is thought to represent increased circulation that may imply the development of collateral circulation and perhaps neurogenesis. There have since been several styles and systems of scalp acupuncture developed, many of which we have been trained to offer here at Makari Wellness: The Jiao Shu Fa System, Dr. Zhu system, Dr. Lin System and Yamamoto Scalp systems.
In China scalp acupuncture is used in the treatment of many central nervous system diseases and protocols have been developed for diseases such as stroke, head trauma, cerebral palsy, encephalitis-meningitis sequale, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALzheimer’s disease. dementia, memory loss, cortical blindness, nerve deafness, and epilepsy.
Herbal Medicine & Nutritional Supplementation
Makari Wellness hosts a full custom herbal pharmacy and carries a number of nutritional supplements for various conditions. Please download our sheet of common recommendations below for things you may do in your own home.
Integration with Physical Therapy and Neurological Plasticity Training
After blood circulation to the brain and the neuroplasticity has been stimulated by special acupuncture techniques, each patient must perform therapeutic exercises to train the brain and the bodies function to recover. This is a necessary part of treatment and at Makari Wellness we have extensive training in stability progressions and specialized exercises for certain symptoms and parts of the body. Performing eye exercises and other executive actions may be prescribed to activate various parts of the brain and may require the use of an Ipad or tablet for home use.