Make Well – Be Well

MAcular Degeneration & Hip Pain

MVA and Abdominal Mass

Avoid Surgery - Hand was immobile

Sciatica & Knee Pain


We are proud to present amazing results in treating PED symptoms in a patient who underwent our initial vision program, including micro acupuncture 48 and custom herbal therapy. With the pictures below, we are able to prove that we treat the untreatable – there is solid evidence that we get the measurable results in the patient whose condition visibly changed and the PED level reduced from 6.5 to 5 after the first course of treatment.

Pigment Epithelial Detachment Management at Makari Wellness PED symptoms can be successfully treated at Makari Wellness. We offer custom-tailored treatments for every individual because we do not treat the disease but the person. With over 15 years of experience, we provide a powerful combination of ancient wisdom and modern methods for treating PED. Call us at (888) 871-8889 and try the best alternative pigment epithelial detachment treatment in San Diego and Oceanside. We are proud to present amazing results in treating PED symptoms in a patient who underwent our initial vision program, including micro acupuncture 48 and custom herbal therapy. With the pictures below, we are able to prove that we treat the untreatable – there is solid evidence that we get the measurable results in the patient whose condition visibly changed and the PED level reduced from 6.5 to 5 after the first course of treatment.

We cannot keep up with our testimonials… We are too busy helping people change lives to continually update this site. Visit our Yelp pages to either side of this text to see what people are willing to share publicly… Each office has a separate yelp page. Click On The Yelps To Read What Some People Shared.  Be sure to read other reviews in Google Reviews Of Makari Wellness! – 2 different clinics with different reviews and conditions where you can find stories like your own- and if not, then lets write a new chapter for you as well!

We cannot count the number of migraine headache sufferers and insomnia patients we help every month with herbs. Even when the Ambien and Lunesta are not working we have revolved the sleep, fixed the digestion and brought life and hope back to innumerable people. Customized Chinese herbal formulas can actually cure these conditions and not result in a life on drugs.

Migraines / Neck Pain / Sciatica / L. Hand to arm nerve pain

1 Ortho & ART Visit. Thank you for the vigorous treatment! I’m noticing a great improvement in my hand! I’m able to move my fingers (open & shut) without as much pain. 50% better. Gripping is still tricky in those last 2 fingers but this is great. Of course, my neck and back/hips are always significantly better. Thank you! You Rock!

Fertility (3 visits and 1 month of herbs following 1+ years of unsuccessful attempts)

I’m so shocked. I was a few days late this past Monday with weird cramps and got 2 positive tests. Couldn’t believe it! I’m elated! Thank you so much. I wasn’t expecting this so soon. Can’t express how much I appreciate you! Very grateful, Kim

Complex Cyst / Fibroid over 20yrs old and facing surgery

I HAVE SOME OF THE BEST NEWS EVER IN A LONG TIME!!! Despite all the Drs opinions of that complex cyst growing and not budging, IT RUPTURED ABOUT 2 WEEKS AGO! I truly believe things happened the way they were supposed to, I’m so glad I held off on a messy operation. And I truly believe that the herbs I was takn.g from around Nov to March helped weaken that sucker… Along with physical exercise despite the pain and a good diet… the Eviction notice was served on that complex cyst. Funny the DR had a totally different tune before he said that a COMPLEX CYST WON’T GO AWAY, NOW HE SAID IT’S GOOD TO WAIT, mother nature took its course when I was rushed to the emergency I thought with the pain it had grown, twisted something but NOPE COMPLETELY GONE. Now the DR wants to do surgery, of course, to remove fibroid in my uterus… It was showing decreased size on my sonogram when I was taking the herbs. That sucker has been there since mid-20’s… Anyway, I can’t thank you enough, I’m so thankful I still have all my organs intact and didn’t rush in!!!!! Hope alls well, Namaste.

I’m forever grateful for my health and your dedication to your knowledge and work!!!


After retiring on disability for severe neck pain which resulted in nightly awakening and bilateral hand and arm swelling. For a couple years she had received physical therapy from several clinics, massage, and even acupuncture. After a friend in church who had seen us for back pain and sciatica urged her to come see us she took a chance. After the first visit of our orthopedic acupuncture and ART she could sleep thru the night and the hand swelling was down 50%. By the 4th treatment, she was no longer experiencing the neck pain and her hands would swell slightly but now clearly an arthritic condition. So we started to work on her low back as well. Instead of prolonged treatments, we offered an herbal remedy to treat her underlying fatigue, digestion, and arthritic pain- after 1 week of herbs.

Dr. Mike .. my low back is doing well, hands are decreased in stiffness and pain; still have some problems but tolerable. I am drinking my tea daily and believe that is working well on my entire body, especially my sleep. I don’t feel as tired by end of day. go figure…love you and your practice much, -L****

Case of Hemorrhoids getting worse for 10 years

Inability to sit in car without pain. Embarrassed, scheduled for surgery in 2 months. Came in after treating husband for 2 yr Neuroma pain in both feet (after 3 treatments of acupuncture and ART his condition was resolved and he could walk and exercise without pain or surgery!).Hemorrhoid treatment like many internal conditions does not require us to needle the problem area, rather we use points on the hands and legs. After 5 treatments and 2 bottles of herbs she was completely resolved, sleeping better and hemorrhoids had returned to their rightful location. No more pain sitting, able to drive in the car and no more embarrassment from prolapsed swellings. Miracle? No -we do this on a regular basis.

Hi Mike- I hope all is well with you. I am doing GREAT! And have referred two people your way. Including my western doctor who I told her all about my experience and she wants your contact info. -Anonymous

Chest Pain- Mini Strokes – Hypothyroidism – Insomnia. Given blood thinners for life

..well at least 30 years old you do not need to accept that answer. After 1 bottles of customized Chinese Herbs, sure they do not taste good- put them in capsules, here is the email:

Everything went really well. I could hardly choke them down so I ended up only doing 2x a day. I think I sleep better when I do it 3 times a day but I start to gag as soon as I start making it. I wake up each night at about 4 and I’m restless after that. But 10-4 I am getting really good sleep! I have had no chest pain which is awesome. Time for a refill 🙂


Makari Analysis – People are often told their only option is surgical- because they identified something worn or damaged in the body… We ask why? Why is it worn? Will fixing the broken piece fix the cause of the damage? This is our specialty is figuring out the cause and subsequently treating both the injury and cause to permanently correct a person’s condition. Another example- Another patient who was told they needed surgery on their hip.

Client report – After years of participating in triathlons, I began having hip pain that got so bad I could hardly walk. I was walking with a cane when I found Michael. After the first ART and acupuncture treatment, I no longer used the cane. I had consulted a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and several physicians, including orthopedic surgeons who told me my only option was surgery to fix the tear in the cartilage they found through MRI. Michael was the first healer I spoke to who understood what I needed wasn’t just to fix the symptom but to deal with the cause — why my hip had gotten so bad. The treatments and exercises he gave me were life-changing for me. I HIGHLY recommend Michael and his unique combination of modalities. He is kind, thorough and provides excellent care. – Emily Downward


Thank you, Dr. Woodworth. They told me that I needed surgery with slipped discs in my back causing sciatica. I was not able to stand let alone walk and was losing time at work and with my family. After several visits, I began to see a decrease in pain and after a total of 10 visits in a few weeks I was pain-free and back to work and life. I must admit I was skeptical but the combination of acupuncture, your muscle work, and the rehab changed my life and my families. Thank you for all your work and your dedication to your craft and us.-Angela

Case of prolonged Sciatica treated in less than 5 visits

Michael, I’d be happy to help! I feel great and fitness businesses up and running.I have suggested several clients go see you, a couple still in traditional physical therapy, not making much progress :-/


Our 15-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Asthma and severe menstrual pain- cold limbs, frequent skin rashes. They wanted to give her steroids and put her on the pill. We began treatment with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. The following month her menstrual pain was 50% improved and migraines infrequent. After 2 months there was no menstrual pain, no migraines and her sleep and energy were much improved. She was her old self again, full of energy and no longer depressed. We have also had a 50% decrease in steroidal asthma medication. Then a few days ago she banged her foot during ballet class and had excruciating pain for several weeks despite chiropractic and massage therapy. Pain in the foot was completely resolved in 2 acupuncture visits. Thank you for helping our daughter Dr. Woodworth, we are glad we got your referral.

After several months of acupuncture and herbs, we finally did it!

Hey Michael, How are you? So I called you the other day because I wanted to tell you….. We are pregnant!!! We are so incredibly thrilled. I stopped my herbs when I found out because I wasn’t sure if you wanted me on the blood moving ones! Just found out! Just 5 weeks so still really early. But it’s incredibly amazing. God is so good!! Thanks so much Michael! Hope to hear from you soon. – Kristina

Bilateral Hip Pain, Hamstring Tendinitis, Torn Labrum

Client Report – Michael Woodworth has changed how I live today. I tore my labrum in both hips and had two surgeries to repair them. I also had hamstring tendinitis that caused me constant pain. I was in pain for such a long amount of time, trying every doctor and physical therapist to try and relieve it. All I got were a bunch of exercise routines that gave me the same results that I started with. The pain affected me every second, not knowing whether it would be cured. I thought there was nothing more to try until I started to see Michael for acupuncture. After treatment, I can finally say I’m pain-free. The difference this treatment has made in my life is so amazing and I am forever grateful to Michael for helping my life get back to normal!

Makari Analysis – This was the case of a young teenager who loved dancing and could no longer even sit down following multiple surgeries. The family contacted me and was willing to travel to my office. On the phone, I could hear the frustration and concern of caring parents who had sought out a number of treatments and despite losing hope kept searching. This case really moved me in that I have a daughter myself and really felt we could help get this girl back to the life she deserved. We began treatment and initially, there was only slight change than no change. This went on for several weeks (it is so important to carry out at least one full course of treatment in these complex, chronic cases!) and we were both somewhat frustrated. After 1/2 a course of treatment I urged them to increase the frequency of treatment (remember they were traveling to my office) to at least 2x/per week for the next several weeks. Following the 10th session we ceased treatment and after a period of recovery (you must recover from the work we do as well as the body’s own healing process) she became pain-free. Her treatments consisted of deep orthopedic needling, active release techniques and IAMR (instrument assisted myofascial release). We had to change the muscle length, tendon conditions and break up adhesions. Healing takes time and I am so glad she stuck with it despite the work involved.

Hypothyroid, Hip Pain, Fatigue, Digestive Problems

Client Report – Michael Woodworth has done some amazing things for me! I started seeing Michael in late June of this year with hip joint pain, swelling and pain in my right ankle and thigh, horrible digestion, lethargy, trouble sleeping, brittle hair, high liver levels and a thyroid that was out of whack. He performed ART and acupuncture in some critical areas and got me started on the Chinese herbs. I have been taking the herb combination for almost 6 months now and have had amazing results. There is no more swelling or pain in my ankle, my digestion is back to normal, I sleep like a baby (as long as I don’t have a million things on my mind), I have energy throughout the day, and my hip is no longer causing me to stop exercising. I recently had blood work during a physical and was blown away by my results. My liver levels are close to where they should be and my thyroid is quickly getting back to normal. Prior to seeing Michael, my thyroid antibodies were close to 700 (normal is under 30) and now they are at 147!!!! I know now that the natural way to go is the BEST way to go. My doctor was amazed at my health and mentioned if he didn’t know my age he would have guessed it to be 10-15 years younger just looking at my blood work. THANK YOU, MICHAEL!!

Makari Analysis – Here is an example of everything we have to offer at Makari Wellness. We treated the pain with combined acupuncture and active release techniques then addressed the internal complaints with herbal medicine. In total this patient was seen fewer than 10 times. What an incredible savings of time and money by utilizing the unique combinations we offer.

Chinese Herbs For Tight Dry Tendons

Client Email – Hi Michael, I need more herbs. I am out and it is the only thing takes the aches and pain out of fingers and legs and seems to last all day. Motrin only lasts about 8 hrs.

Makari Analysis – It is difficult for people to accept the power of food and plants in treating their pains. But remember those tissues, tendons, bones come from the food you eat and grow from your inside out- to the surface. Sometimes treating pain from the outside is temporary and ineffective. Many of our patients find their treatment in herbal remedies custom formulated for their patterns to treat from the inside out: arthritis, sciatic, chronically tightpain…e pain.. Think about it- how can you work with hard, dry clay? So how can banging on your tight dry muscles bring about a permanent change? And the damage that pain meds do to your organs well.. just read the warning labels.

Itchy skin rash treated with Acupuncture and Herbs

Makari Analysis – Adult male had a sudden occurrence of itchy rash all along back interrupting sleep and generally causing a great deal of discomfort. Took 2 Rounds of Prednisone & Anti-inflammatory drugs have no effect. Rash cleared following 2 weeks of acupuncture and herbal treatment.

Client Email -Hi Mike, I will be finishing my bottle of herbs tomorrow. The ill effects of the rash are long gone, and my skin is clearing up slowly but surely. What do you recommend we do at this point?

From this point, we changed our herbs to a formula focussed on helping the damaged flesh to heal. Overall treatment was 2 visits and 3 bottles of herbs following over 2 months of ineffective western medicinal treatment.

2 cases: sciatica and foot numbness another with plantar fasciitis, bone spur and Morton’s neuromas.

Both people had been treated with PT, traditional chiropractic and one even underwent 30 tx of acupuncture for marked relief. Both cases, following 1 treatment of orthopedic acupuncture and ART yielded immediately changes: feeling returned to foot, able to play golf with very little pain returning, he writes “My feet are alive with “feeling”. The woman who had undergone traditional acupuncture was simply beside herself that the numbness was gone immediately after opening up her low back. Once again- all providers are not the same just like every car is not the same. We work hard to get you better faster so you can enjoy life. One thing to note- morton’s neuromas respond better to acupuncture than any other treatment i have seen to date and usually within 3 sessions.

We love Sciatica- because it is usually so easy to treat.

Makari Overview – Another one. A 57-year-old-year-old woman, hx of sciatica for 3 years, tried chiropractic, tried physical therapy. 2 Sessions of combined orthopedic acupuncture and ART/ Active Release pain is gone. Patient has the spinal exercises to maintain pain free active lifestyle and has referred all her friends. As always: You will know if we can help you within the first 6 visits, but generally within 2. We will never waster your time or money, we will always give you the best treatments possible by always learning and bringing the best back for you!

Our resident off-road racer who occasionally misses the landing after some long jumps… But we do our best to keep him running

Client Email – Just to let you know, I am doing great. My neck is 100% and back is about 95% but I feel good enough to get back into the normal routine and start hitting the gym. Thanks Again!!!

Daily headaches and intermittent migraines, broken sleep and fatigue… Cold hands and feet

Client Email – Hi Michael, I’ve been meaning to email you for about a week now. The new bottle is great. I’m sleeping much better, I still wake up at night but only because of Caleb. I’m sleeping much more soundly. Jonah says there is a noticeable difference in the overall temp of feet 🙂 I know it isn’t a mental thing because I forgot to take a couple doses in a row and I could tell the difference for sure. So what now? this bottle is almost gone, do I need more? Should I come back in for another treatment Thanks, B

Makari Response – Not necessary another bottle of herbs and that’ll do it.. I shall make some additions and bring in your second bottle as soon as I have it constructed.

Patient with knee pain and told needs a knee replacement, nothin else to do.. Shows up for treatment…

Client Report – When I met Micahel for the first time I was taking 1-2 Vicoden per day and still having significant knee pain due to arthritis. I was barely able to carry out daily activities and felt depressed. After even the 1st visit when Michael evaluated and moved me through several exercises, I felt much better. During the first week, I met Micahel three times and was able to decrease the Vicoden. Following Micahel’s exercise instructions and with the Chinese Herbs I began to feel less and less pain and stiffness. Within one month I had reduced Vicoden to once a week or 10 days. Now after just under two months, I am able to move freely and have very little pain. Stiffness is drastically reduced. I don’t remember the last time I needed to take a Vicoden. Michael has given me the exercise tools and herbs that are allowing me to take my life back. I feel energetic and am gradually increasing my walking and other activities. – Gayle A.

Back pain and Tailbone Pain following Ski Accident For 7 years- Recently developed sciatica for 4 months

Patient referred for combination Acupuncture & ART by a chiropractor- has been thru physical therapy and western medicine for several years. Treatment began with Orthopedic Acupuncture followed by ART and home exercise. Treatments were rendered 2x/week for 2 weeks. The pain was resolved after 2 sessions, the intermittent occurrence was less intense and resolved itself with home exercise. No pain after 4 treatments- followup treatment 2 weeks later revealed a very happy woman with no sciatica and slight back tension resolved with home exercises. Rendered treatment, provided more strengthening exercises and released the patient to continue exercise and return if needed. Patient remarked she was sorry she hadn’t found us years ago and that it was too easy.

Emergency Chinese Medicine – This is a very serious case and i’m grateful for the results

Makari Analysis – 88-Year-old gentleman who led a relatively active life suddenly found listless, frigid, sleeping all day, and not having a bowel movement for approximately a month. Was frigidly cold and wore several jackets. Western medicine did a range of tests with no findings, daughter contacted me from L.A. After initial intake and treatment we prescribed herbal medicine. Within week has more energy but still no bowel movement, weak, cold. The second treatment we prescribed next level of herbs: to rescue devastated yang. The patient had 2 Bowel movements, by the 2nd bottle of herbs patients daughter reports:

Client’s Daughter Report – Hi Michael – Update on Dad. Feeling better and better: More energy (even exercising on stationary bike now), eating more, acid reflux not so bad, more focused, sleeping less during the day… Colonoscopy – normal. Endoscopy showed polyps – all benign. One polyp in the duodenum region is of concern due to its size. Doctors are concerned that if it grows, it might cause a blockage of the bile duct. But they believe it has nothing to do with his current health problems. They will perform a sonic endoscopy to learn more.

Unknown stabbing pain and discomfort with history of fibroids with benign tumor awaiting surgery

Makari Analysis – Treated with acupuncture and 2 months of custom herbal formula.

Patient Email – No surgery, no tumor, happy family! Good news when they did the MRI of my Pelvis the tumor is gone. Those herbs really do work, thank you! I do have the MRI films showing the before and after- Wow!

Thank goodness for Acupuncture

Patient Testimonial – I just want to say, ” thank goodness for Acupuncture”! I went to more than enough Medical Doctors for the last 3-4 years, with nothing but frustration. I had many tests, cat scans, biopsies, pelvic exams, blood tests… You name it I’ve had it done… Not fun. No explanation of what’s wrong with me, just, “this is what I think is wrong, take this and I want to see you back every 2-3 weeks”. I never got better, it got worse! On the way to UCSD Cancer Center for a body scan, I was in a car accident on the 5 south. I guess in a way it was God saving me. Doctors sent me home with a wheelchair and told me that I may never walk again. So disappointing for someone who at a time was very active. Surfing, Mountain biking, running, Wakeskating. I never was one to stay still, so not being able to move more than sucked! I am blessed to have met Michael and everyone at Fire Mountain who I can say saved my life! Thank You!

No pain during my menses

Patient Email – Mike, sonogram shows my fibroids are all gone and I have no pain during my menses.

Migraine Headaches = Hospitalization, Nausea & Tremors

Patient Report – I suffer from extreme migraine headaches and when I get the bad one, I end up in the emergency room where they give me drugs, narcotics, and put me on an I.V. These headaches usually last 5-7 days. I am in bed with extreme eye pain, head pain, neck pain, vomiting, and I lose weight during this time as I can’t eat. It then takes me a few days to recover from the migraine, so I lose many days a year from them. What’s also difficult is that I can never really know if I can actually plan something and be there for it. I’ve had to miss a lot of my children’s activities because of migraines. I’ve tried many things to help my migraines. I’ve been to the mainstream Doc’s and gone the drug and pain clinic route, to the holistic Doc’s and taken myriads of supplements, which definitely help. I try and eat more alkaline foods and exercise. I’ve been to many chiropractors, dentists, physical therapists, massage therapists, counseling, had my eyes read, tried Botox once, even learned how to do coffee enemas for pain. I’ve even bought a couple of gadgets that are supposed to help painful migraines. This illness, hospitalizations, and other health problems have stretched us financially to the limit and I really was desperate when I met Michael. The thing is, I have also been to acupuncturists before. But, as I found out, none of them is as effective as Michael. He was very kind over the phone and said that he would like to try and treat me to see if he could help me, and explained that even though I’d been to acupuncturists before, he felt his knowledge and techniques might be different. Not only that, but out of the goodness of his heart, he did not charge me. What kind of a person does that to a complete stranger? The kind of person who truly cares about people and helping them, that’s the kind of person Michael is. Right off I noticed that Michael’s techniques really were different than other acupuncturists that I’d been to. One day I came in with a migraine and I was shaking so badly. I really thought that there is no way he can help me, that I’m headed for the hospital. Well, pretty amazing cuz I made it through the night. I had several weeks of no migraines, and then had another “almost” one. This time Michael did something and cut a little place in my temple area and let it bleed. Crazy, but it helped a ton and it felt like the pressure was relieved. I had several sessions over some months and definitely saw improvement. I really was getting to the point where a true migraine was happening less frequently. But, a few months ago we moved to another city and it’s been some time since I’ve been in. I have to say that I believe that acupuncture must also have some far-reaching effects as I’ve only had one migraine since that time- headaches- but only one true migraine. That really is amazing. I’m hoping that even if I can only drive in occasionally, I will still feel the results.I would highly recommend Michael to anyone out there who suffers from migraines. I am seriously the Queen of migraines, but if Michael can help me, I know that he can help you. A thankful client, Marcia

Shingles – Pain Pain Pain

Makari Analysis – Seems spring is in the air and I have had several shingles case popping up- all puns intended but this condition is not fun. Typically Acupuncture can be used preventatively to keep the nervous and immune systems strong and in balance, however, excess stress and difficult living can leave the body susceptible to an outbreak. Acupuncture is best used in the initial phases to speed up the process, making for a less painful faster recovery and possibly help avoid post-breakout neuropathy. Treatment should be regular and consistent at the earliest possible indicators

Patient Email – Michael, I SLEPT 9 HOURS STRAIGHT LAST NIGHT. CAN YOU TELL I’M EXCITED!!!!! I first thanked God for guiding your hands in my treatment and asked him to continue to bless you. Thanks!

38 years old, difficulty conceiving- now mother to a healthy baby girl!

Patient Report – Where to begin…Obviously, I was getting older and was concerned about being able to become pregnant after a couple years of being unsuccessful. I met Mike while getting chiropractic care and he explained the process. We could not afford Western IVF treatment and thought we wouldn’t be able to afford alternative methods either but he laughed and sai: “Traditional Medicine is traditional medicine, no more, no less”. He actually joked that fertility was easier than some of his “high maintenance” pain people and that the only added expense would be the herbal formulas which were actually pretty cheap. He told us about the 3-6 months needed and we began treatment. Initially 2x/week for 3 weeks then weekly. We got detailed diets and herbal formula and homework to do on a daily basis. The hardest part was him telling me I couldn’t surf. Sure enough, 4 months later I was pregnant and now I a mother to my first baby girl. Just follow the information he gives you and relax, the hardest part is waiting for your body to change. It works! – JD

Debilitating Migraines – Can’t Drive, Work or Stand

Patient Report – Now let me start with the fact that I hate needles and the notion of acupuncture was the last thing I ever thought would help me, but after much urging from my wife I “had” to give it a try. I had experienced debilitating migraines for over 11 years. When they would strike I would have to get picked up from work or pull over if driving and have my wife come bring me home where I was bed bound for the next day or two. When I started treatment Michael requested I get treated 3x/week and as the migraines decreased in frequency and intensity so would my treatment schedule. It was only 2 weeks before I noticed improvements. I received treatment for approximately 2 months before I had a complete reduction in migraines. To date, I may have an occasional headache but nothing resembling the migraines I used to experience. Since treatment, I have moved, gone without acupuncture for over 2 years and finally returned to San Diego- never once experiencing the pain I had previously had for 11 years! Our family are believers and I would recommend Michael and his treatments to anybody who is ready to change their life- for whatever it is they may suffer from. Thank you!!

I started seeing Dr. Woodworth in June 2021 when I was diagnosed at 36 with early macular degeneration. Macular degeneration runs in my family, but no one had been diagnosed so young! I was devastated by this diagnosis and knew I could find a natural way to heal my body. I had done lots of acupuncture in the past and started my search for an acupuncturist that had experience working with eye issues. I stumbled upon Makari Wellness and knew Dr. Woodworth was the man for the job. I drove 3 hours each week to be treated by him. The best advice he gave me was to be patient. He explained that the body heals in trimesters and not to expect much change before the 3 month mark. At the 2 month mark I went in for a scan. No change. Maybe a bit better. I kept at it. 2 months later and there was huge improvement. The lines on my grid were no longer wavy, I could see better when I was driving (especially at night) and my scan showed major improvement. I continued on..

At this point I felt comfortable with the progress of my eyes and my body in general and I asked Dr. Woodworth to change focus to my fertility goals. I was under massive amounts of stress at the time and he patiently worked with me to strengthen my body and helped me to destress my mind. He reminded me that my body would heal in trimesters and to give the process time. I am so glad I did! I am happy to say that I am now pregnant with twins.

I will be continuing my care with Dr. Woodworth throughout my pregnancy and beyond. I understand that my overall health and the health of my eyes will require continued maintenance for the rest of my life. There is better way to support your life’s journey than to support your health! I’m so grateful that I found Makari Wellness. If you are reading this review and are having any doubts at all, let them go. Commit a trimester to Dr. Woodworth. Make the drive. Spend the money. It’s well worth it and I’m sure you will have a positive outcome and it may even change your life.