How “It” Works:

Everybody is always asking how acupuncture works and how it is possible for us to treat conditions that Western medicine says are untreatable. Our first aim is to remove the factors causing the condition, then we use acupuncture and herbal medicine to return the body to homeostasis so its innate intelligence can heal. By removing toxins and irritants, then providing nourishment, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy circulation, the cells of all the body’s tissues will work to bring the body back to its optimal health. These videos give a brief introduction to how our ancient wisdom works with modern methods to achieve amazing results.

Eye Health: Anatomy, Blood, Nerve & How Acupuncture Can Help

Body Electric: How the body runs on electrical impulses

Herbs & Blood Chemistry: A little of the research showing herbs and cardiovascular health.

Acupuncture Heals: Just some of the many benefits of acupuncture and our methods.

Pain and Performance: Our Unique combination of Orthopedic Acupuncture, Estim & ART Therapy.