Stroke – Brain Injury (TBI / Concussion) -Neuro Degenerative Conditions – Pediatric Neurology
Michael Woodworth began focussing on Acupuncture Neurology in 2012 and has continues to do so. He regularly travels to train with the most prominent Stroke and Neurological specialists who have shaped the field itself. Neuro-functional Acupuncture & Supplements have helped many regain functions that were compromised or believed lost from a wide array of events and injuries. Acupuncture is a primary treatment for stroke and pediatric neurology in modern Asian countries. It is commonly used in treating more severe injuries like Stroke, CVA & TIA incidents. Pediatric Neurology is used to treat many severe developmental conditions in children such as Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, post encephalitis / meningitis brain damage. These approaches are being used with promising results in treating early onset Alzheimer’s as well. These treatments are very effectively to treating concussion syndrome, traumatic brain injury and various spinal cord injuries. These treatments are combined with Chinese herbal medicine to slow and prevent many chronic degenerative conditions such early onset Alzheimers, dementia, MS, Parkinson’s and more.
Occurrences of Stroke, Cerebral Dysfunction, and Neurological diseases are on the rise. All of these disorders can benefit far beyond typical expectations by combining Western Medicine with the Modern Application of Traditional Eastern Medicines. Makari Wellness offers Integrated Treatments for faster and more complete recovery while working alongside your Western therapists to get you back to life or slow the progression of chronic debilitating disorders.
CLick Below to View The Movie 9,000 Needles which demonstrates how the Xing Nao Kai Qiao acupuncture is used in China for Stroke Rehabilitatrion.
With the average life expectancy on an American reaching approximately 79 years of age we witnessing higher incidents of neurological and cerebral disorders such as stroke, TIA, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. Acupuncture has been shown to be able to stimulate blood flow and hasten the development of neural plasticity. Modern medical institutions in China combine Traditional medicine’s use of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs with physical therapy to achieve outstanding results in recovery and return to life. The modern West has much to learn from the integrative approach of Modern China and other Asian countries utilizing both sides of medicine and having superior results.
We at Makari Wellness combine the most effective approaches of Stroke and Neurological Disease treatment to provide the most effective treatments possible to our clients. Combining ancient wisdom with modern methods will give our patients and their loved ones the best possible outcomes. Even more importantly, American’s with a familial history of cardiovascular or neurological conditions should begin treatment to avoid or mitigate such diseases from occurring at all. It is always easier to practice prevention versus reversing a condition that has resulted in organic changes in the physical body.
Click the button below To Listen To An Interview with Dr. Clayton Shiu on Biohacking Stroke Recovery
Click the button below To See a Brief Intro on how Laser Therapy / Photo Bio Modulation Is Used in TBI / Concussion (Brain Injury)
Click the button below for Stroke & Neurological Supplementation Fact Sheet.

Xing Nao Kai Qiao – A Powerful System For Stroke Rehab, pain and many neurological disorders treatment and prevention.
The renowned First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University, founded by Dr. Shi Xue Min, known as the ‘Father of Acupuncture’, is leading the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients in China. As a result of nearly 40 years working with stroke patients, Dr. Shi has developed an acupuncture diagnostic and treatment system called Xing Nao Kai Qiao, which is central to the hospital’s approach to treating stroke patients. The hospital treats 10,000 stroke patients each day.
Stroke patients receiving care at the Tianjin Hospital Program have better outcomes than patients treated with standard post-stroke care in the U.S. The report highlights that 85 percent of Tianjin patients are able to walk without assistance, compared with 51 percent of patients completing rehabilitation in the U.S. Following treatment in Tianjin, 98 percent of patients return to live in their homes instead of long-term care facilities while only 68 percent of U.S. stroke patients are able to live in their own homes. Tianjin Hospital patients also see decreases in blood pressure and cholesterol which are causes of stroke, reaping secondary benefits of this approach. Tianjin’s acupuncture treatment program has resulted in exceptional improvements for stroke patients and some are even cured of ischemic stroke disorders often considered incurable with ‘conventional’ Western medicine. These include speech dysphagia and aphasia, hemiparesis, body and facial paralysis, spasticity, comas, and vegetative states. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Neurological –
Scalp Acupuncture
Stimulating areas of the scalp – which lie over hyperfunctioning, atrophied, or injured brain tissue – will increase blood flow, oxygenation and lead to improved function of brain tissues. Scalp Acupuncture has been practiced since the 1960’s in China. It was first developed by a Neurologist who was familiar with modern maps of the brain, which correlate with receptive and functional cortex zones that are well documented. This has been shown to be correct with functional MRI studies. Improvement at first is temporary but with persistent treatments, this improvement can become permanent. Long-lasting improvement is thought to represent increased circulation that may imply the development of collateral circulation and perhaps neurogenesis.
In China scalp acupuncture is used in the treatment of many central nervous system diseases and protocols have been developed for diseases such as stroke, head trauma, cerebral palsy, encephalitis-meningitis sequale, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, dementia, memory loss, cortical blindness, nerve deafness, and epilepsy.
Integration with Physical Therapy and Neurological Plasticity Training
After blood circulation to the brain and the neuroplasticity has been stimulated by special acupuncture techniques, each patient must perform therapeutic exercises to train the brain and the bodies function to recover. This is a necessary part of treatment and at Makari Wellness we have extensive training in stability progressions and specialized exercises for certain symptoms and parts of the body. Our years of expertise in treating orthopedic conditions make up especially capable of assisting with pain, mobility stability and strengthening following the neuro-activation portion of treatment.
Our combinations of myofascial work and neuro based acupuncture allows us to effectively treat and improve or all together eliminate conditions such as:

Cranial nerve disorders Olfactory nerve disorders Retinal periphlebitis Optic neuritis Optic atrophy Myopia Oculomotor paralysis Trochlear paralysis Trigeminal neuralgia Abducent (lateral rectus) nerve paralysis Facial tic Facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) Glossopharyngeal paralysis Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Accessory nerve paralysis Vagus nerve paralysis Hypoglossal paralysis Sphenopalatine neuralgia Vestibular neuronitis Cerebral disorders Transient ischaemic attack Cerebral thrombosis Cerebral embolism Cerebral arteriosclerosis Lacunar cerebral infarction Syringomyelia Parkinson’s disease Sydenham’s chorea (chorea minor) Epilepsy Hysteria Meniere’s syndrome Athetosis
Conditions of the spinal nerves Injury to the brachial plexus Brachial plexus neuropathy Long thoracic nerve paralysis Axillary nerve paralysis Median nerve paralysis Ulnar nerve paralysis Radial nerve paralysis Thoracic outlet syndrome Superior clunial nerve injury Sciatica Obturator nerve injury Tibial nerve injury Paralysis of the common peroneal nerve Femoral nerve paralysis Polyneuropathy Other disorders Post-lumbar puncture headache Vertebral artery compression syndrome Radicular cervical spondylosis Cervical spondylosis with sympathetic nerve involvement Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy Functional disorders Irritable bowel syndrome Atypical chest pain Myasthenia gravis Periodic paralysis Phantom limb pain Traumatic paraplegia