Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR) Natural Treatment: Acupuncture, TCM, Herbs and Diet
CSC or CSR (central serous chorioretinopathy or central serous retinopathy) is an eye disorder in which fluid collects behind the retina, resulting in a serous (fluid-filled) detachment and visual loss. The light-sensitive retina is the eye’s deepest layer. It transmits messages to our brain, which aid in our vision. Because of its high metabolic activities and large vascular network, it is thought that the retina consumes more oxygen than the brain itself. The retina is nourished by many blood vessels. As a result, maintaining normal vision requires a constant supply of blood. In CSR, the fluid accumulates under the retina due to leaky vessels, which directly affects the person’s central vision. If enough fluid accumulates beneath the retina, it can trigger the retinal detachment, which can create a gray spot in the central visual field.
Young and middle-aged adults (in the 30 to 50 age group) are the most common victims of CSC. Men are more likely than women to have this illness for unknown causes. Although vision loss is usually only transient, it can become chronic or repeated. CSR usually affects one eye, but it might affect both eyes at a later stage if the disease’s primary cause is not addressed.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques can help treat the symptoms of CSR. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, and diet are used to treat the CSR naturally.
Chorioretinopathy Alternative Treatment at Makari Wellness
The basic principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regard each person to have unique individuality, and thus we treat them accordingly. The treatment of the patient, rather than the treatment of the disease, is prioritized in TCM. Because of the differences in their biological constitutions, two people with the same disease may need different therapies.
At Makari Wellness, depending on the patient’s specific constitution, condition, and severity, we offer various therapy options for CSR. Some individuals take longer to see effects, while others see improvements straight away. Once we have regained as much vision as possible, the goal is to keep the rest of our vision by using maintenance therapies. Do not ignore eye trouble; try acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements, and diet. Contact us by booking online telemedicine consultations or at (888) 871-8889.
What is Central Serous Retinopathy?
It is a visual impairment caused by eye vessel problems. It normally only affects one eye and is only temporary. However, studies demonstrate that even when damage is only visible in one eye, both eyes are impacted on a cellular level. Fluid leakage beneath the retina is a main symptom of CSC. The choroid, or middle layer of the eye, releases fluid. The retina is nourished by this highly vascularized membrane. The fluid collects behind the macula or center section of the retina, and as a result, it distorts and blurs eyesight.
Causes of CSR
CSC is classified as idiopathic, which means it occurs without a known cause. In some studies, CSC has been linked to:
- hypertension,
- obstructive sleep apnea,
- corticosteroid use,
- Helicobacter pylori infection,
- elevated cortisol levels.
CSC rates are higher in those with certain conditions. Except for H. pylori, high cortisol and epinephrine levels appear to be the common cause of the other disorders. Both of these hormones wreak havoc on cellular processes in the eye’s delicate tissues. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that aid the body’s stress response. On the other hand, cortisol levels remain increased in chronic stress situations, causing damage to many body tissues.
Who is at Risk?
Central serous chorioretinopathy is more common in men between 30 and 50 than in women, with stress as a significant risk factor. CSC is more common in people who are under a lot of stress, have sleep disturbances like insomnia (having trouble falling asleep), high blood pressure, patients with Cushing syndrome, and some autoimmune diseases (when the body attacks its own tissue).
Relapses of the illness are seen in about 50% of patients, while in 10% of patients, especially the elderly, the condition becomes chronic, leading to atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium and permanent vision loss.
As we mentioned before, white males between the ages of 30 and 50 are the most commonly affected. Women have a rate of 1.7 per 100,000, whereas men have a rate of 9.9 per 100,000 – significantly higher.
Symptoms of CSR
CSC may go undetected because of the location and volume of sub-retinal fluid, especially if the afflicted areas are outside of the macula—the section of the retina that distinguishes fine detail for tasks like reading and recognizing faces. When they occur, the most common symptoms include:
- Blurred central vision
- Eye pain
- Difficulty in bright light
- A dark area in the central vision
- Items that appear smaller or farther away than they actually are
- Straight lines may appear crooked, bent, or irregular.
Central Serous Retinopathy Treatment
Many cases of central serous chorioretinopathy will go away on their own after a month or two. Your doctor will examine your eye during this period to see if the liquid is dissipating. Severe visual loss or persistent leaking are also possible outcomes. In some circumstances, conventional treatments can stop the leak and let you see well again. They include:
- Laser photocoagulation: It has been utilized to seal off leaky spots. However, this can worsen eyesight and is ineffective unless leakage patches are localized and not too close to the retina’s center. However, it has shown improved outcomes in the past, particularly in patients with recurrent CSC.
- Photodynamic therapy: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin has appeared to be a safe and effective treatment with only a few side effects. It is effective in both the acute and chronic forms of the condition, and it is now considered a first-line treatment in the literature.
- Oral medications: Low-dose methotrexate, mifepristone (a cortisol blocker), oral rifampin, and anti-VEGFs may be given if neovascularization has developed.
Even without treatment, most patients with central serous chorioretinopathy recover their eyesight. However, vision may not be as good as before the illness. About half of people with central serous chorioretinopathy will have it again. It is vital to see your ophthalmologist for follow-up checks regularly.
Central Serous Retinopathy Natural Treatment
When traditional treatments fail, some alternative options can help with CSR. For treating central serous retinopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a potent blend of traditional wisdom and modern technology. TCM is founded on the concept that the body’s energy pathways, known as meridians, carry a life force called Qi.
The body is healthy if the flow of Qi is not obstructed. When the Qi is out of balance, the disease occurs as a result. TCM’s major goal is to restore the balance of Qi, as well as the complementary opposites of Yin and Yang, which are the main properties of Qi. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, supplements, and diet are all examples of natural treatments for CSR.
Acupuncture Treatment Central Serous Retinopathy
Acupuncture is a procedure that involves inserting tiny needles through the skin into certain acupuncture points to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. The orbits (the bones that surround the eyeballs) contain many acupoints. Here are a few examples:
- Chengqi or Stomach 1 is located on the infraorbital ridge bone, directly below the pupil.
- Tongziliao or Gall Bladder 1 lies on the outside corners of the eye sockets, in the cavities.
- Jangming or Urinary Bladder 1 is located in the inner corner of the eye, where the eye meets the nose. It is one of the most common acupoints for all eye problems, including blurred vision.
- Zanzhu or Urinary Bladder 2 lies in the depression at the inner ends of the eyebrows.
Acupuncture also stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, improving general visual acuity, lowering light sensitivity, minimizing or eradicating eye floaters, and reducing blurred or hazy vision.
It Can Also Be Helpful:
- Treatments To Prevent Retinal Detachment
- Macular Dystrophy: Cause, Symptoms And Treatment
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- Diabetic Retinopathy Definition, Symptoms, And Treatment Options
- Posterior Vitreous Detachment Natural Treatment: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, And Supplements
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Herbs for CSR
To maintain good health and strengthen organ function, TCM uses herbs and herbal blends. The TCM practitioner may be able to create a therapeutic impact that goes beyond the chemical composition and physical properties of the herbs. They accomplish this by grasping the essence of various herbal components. Your certified practitioner selects the herbal mixture whose nature, or characteristic energy vibration, correctly stimulates or changes the body’s own energy vibration. It could include the following:
- Gingko Biloba: Improves blood flow to the backside of the eye.
- Green tea: Guards eye tissue with abundant vitamin E and C, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
- Wolfberries: As a traditional Chinese herb for eye health, it can help you see better.
- Buddleia flower buds: Can help with light sensitivity and protect the eyes from cloudiness and damage to the lenses.
- Chrysanthemum flower: Has proven beneficial for eye health due to richness in beta-carotene and B vitamins.
Central Serous Retinopathy Treatment Diet & Nutrients
A central serous retinopathy diet should contain some of the most effective eye-supporting nutrients that can help maintain the health of your retina, minimizing the likelihood of blurred vision. You may obtain the most vital nutrients from natural food sources; thus, eating a well-balanced diet is critical. Here are some vitamins and nutrients for eye health to search for, as well as where to find them:
- Vitamin C – As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C removes waste and prevents oxidation. The connective tissue of the eye is also supported by it. The finest source of this vitamin is citrus fruits.
- Vitamin B – Whole grains, meat, legumes, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, and fruits high in vitamin B may assist in keeping your eyes healthy.
- Vitamin E – It is present in vegetable and nuts oil, nuts and seeds, sweet potato, wheat germ, dark leafy greens, and avocado.
- Lutein & Zeaxanthin – Broccoli, spinach, and kale are examples of dark leafy green plants that contain these substances. Egg yolks, grapes, and peppers are also excellent sources.
- Omega-3 Fatty acids – Many cold-water fish, such as mackerel, tuna, herring, and salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids.
- Zinc – It is present in crabs, oysters, lobsters, whole grains, pork, poultry, and dairy products and is proven to strengthen retinal cells.
Let’s Talk About Prevention
A person with central serous retinopathy can experience a significant improvement in their therapy by taking basic measures and adopting healthy lifestyle adjustments. You can reduce the chances of a severe form by preventing CSR or controlling it on time:
- You should avoid bright light at all costs since it can harm the retina of the affected eye, exacerbating the problem. In such settings, you should avoid bright light as much as possible by keeping your eyes covered.
- A person with central serous retinopathy should allow their eyes enough rest time to compensate for the damage caused by eye-straining activities. The eyes are a highly vital element of the body that a person uses all day, so a person should receive enough sleep to allow their eyes to relax properly.
- Stop smoking and using alcohol, as these two degrade the overall health by harming different vital organs and systems.
- You should avoid spicy food because it harms the stomach and produces anomalies in its functioning. Spicy and greasy foods are also harmful to health because they damage the liver and kidney, which affects the function of numerous sense organs such as the eyes.
- Embrace a healthy and balanced diet, as it allows a person to live a long and healthy life free of dangerous diseases. A person’s body requires the necessary amount of nutrients, which can only be obtained through a healthy and balanced diet. Organic foods should be chosen wherever possible.
- Relax as much as possible, as high levels of stress hormones can worsen the CSR. For example, yoga should be incorporated into one’s everyday practice because it aids in the maintenance of a healthy body and mind.