Herbs for Low Blood Pressure – Herbal Treatment for Hypotension

In the following article you will closely learn about low blood pressure condition, its symptoms, and causes. Furthermore, you will get acquainted with great and long-lasting alternative ways, such as herbal treatment of low BP, acupuncture and natural home remedies that can treat hypotension.

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, has a lower risk to our health than high blood pressure. But hypotension can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, cold feet and hands, thirst, lack of concentration, pulsating of head and temporary visual disabilities.

Any reading lower than 90/60 is considered hypotension. Causes of experiencing low blood pressure vary from pregnancy, medication side effects, dehydration, deficiency of sodium, blood loss to just your natural biology. Sometimes a person experiences hypotension when suddenly standing up, and it very rarely can lead to more serious conditions like shock or stroke. Doctors describe it as good heart health, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take it seriously if we experience symptoms for some period.

The main thing to keep your blood pressure in balance is to find what causes low blood pressure and to address the trigger. Sometimes medications that we use to raise blood pressure can cause it to drop even more.

Makari Wellness: TCM and Herbs for Low Blood Pressure

The founder of Makari Wellness, Michael Woodworth, is a licensed and certified herbalist and acupuncturist with a reputation for helping a lot of people with various conditions, including hypotension. He offers individual treatment plans that are performed according to the patient’s diagnosis. Using TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Chinese herbs and acupuncture can help treat the core of disease and achieve general well-being together with boosting the whole immune system. Chinese medicine considers the body a system and not the sum of secluded parts.

Acupuncture can lessen stress, fatigue and anxiety and other conditions which interfere with everyday activities. On the other hand, Chinese herbs will reduce dizziness, blurred vision and coldness, which are signs of hypotension. The key is to boost blood and qi to improve the work of spleen, kidneys, and heart.

Two people who have the same western diagnosis can be treated completely differently. Some of the formulas used in treating low blood pressure using Chinese herbs depending on accompanying symptoms are Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang, and Zhi Gan Cao Tang.

Herbs That Improve and Balance Low Blood Pressure

Huang Qi (Astragalus)

Astragalus is Chinese herb used for medicinal purposes for centuries. This plant has so many benefits, including immune system boost, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects. Astragalus in combination with other specific Chinese herbs may effectively improve the state of hypotension. It also improves heart function by widening blood vessels which further raises the amount of blood in your heart. It also helps with some accompanying symptoms like fatigue, dizziness and improves kidney function.

Fu Ling (Poria)

Poria is a type of fungus that grows on pine trees. It is usually picked from the trees and cut into pieces, dried, and then used for medicinal purposes. In TCM, it is associated with the heart, kidney, spleen, and lung meridians. If all these organs function properly, the blood pressure will be balanced perfectly. Fu Ling relaxes the mind, takes toxins out of the body, and restores the middle jiao.

Gui Zhi (Cinnamon)

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices which is still in use for many baked goods and hot drinks. Practitioners of TCM use two parts of cinnamon twigs (gui zhi) and inner bark (rou gui), depending on the illness and individual patients’ symptoms. It can be taken as a pill, or herbalist may suggest adding it to your dishes. In TCM is primarily used to treat kidney yang deficiency, shortness of breath, dizziness, and other conditions. It can enter the heart, lungs and bladder meridians, all of which play an important role when having blood pressure issues.


Commonly called holy basil or tulsi is used in many dishes as well as in treating various health conditions. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, which can be beneficial for low blood pressure and maintaining its reading.

Basil contains antioxidant eugenol, which helps both upping low blood pressure and lessens cholesterol levels. Taking 5-6 tulsi leaves on an empty stomach may reduce hypotension and balance your blood pressure.

Almond Milk

Almond is a tree species and widely eaten seed from Iran. It is considered the healthiest nut that should be taken daily. Another way of consuming it is by making almond milk. Basically, soak a few almonds in water and leave them overnight. Peel and make it into a paste. Take it every day to control blood pressure levels. Almond milk doesn’t contain any saturated fats which makes it a good part of hypotension treating diet.

Licorice Root

It is widely cultivated throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. It was traditionally used for treating a variety of conditions, one of which is low blood pressure. It is obtained from Glycyrrhiza plant which contains anti-inflammatory and adaptogens properties.

Licorice root is seen as classic remedy for hypotension since it helps raise blood pressure. You can use its powder combined with warm water or eat the piece of the root to help with this condition. Make sure not to eat licorice candy and jelly candies since it is industrially processed.

Equisetum Arvense

Also known as field horsetail is a perennial plant native to the arctic and regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is a plant mineral used by people who suffer from demineralization.

Hypotension is also connected to hair loss, fragility of nails and bone pain. Horsetail has restorative powers over our whole blood since it regulates kidneys to function properly.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian ginseng is mostly used by women to raise their blood pressure during the cycle period. While menstruating, women’s estrogen levels drop, thus causing the feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Women who suffer from severe PMS symptoms often can’t remain focused or concentrated. Siberian ginseng can help improve stamina, boost energy, and prevent hypotension due to the symptoms. You can take 50 drops of this mother tincture three times a day during menstrual cycle days.


Being a very powerful plant, which treats various conditions, it is also used in raising low BP. It contains several essential oils, among which is camphor, used as a low blood pressure home remedy. Camphor stimulates the respiratory system and promotes blood circulation. It can be ingested, or you can apply it topically in case of hypotension.


Lavender also contains camphor as well as other essential oils. In treating low blood pressure, you can try lavender aromatherapy. It will stimulate blood circulation in the body and help with headaches which can occur when having low blood pressure.

Calamus Root

Calamus’ essential oils contain terpenes, organic hydrocarbons, which add to the root’s flavor, color, and scent. Terpenes have various medical properties since being natural antimicrobial. Calamus root helps promote circulation and promote metabolism.

Improve Diet and Lifestyle to Regulate Blood Pressure

Eat small meals more frequently

If you suffer from low blood pressure, make sure to avoid eating large meals by eating regularly and not skipping meals. It is recommended to have five or six small meals daily to keep your blood pressure regulated.

Recommended diet

Those who suffer from hypotension should have a balanced and healthy diet plan to maintain overall health. A balanced diet should include dry fruits, cheese, vegetable soups and fresh fruits, such as apples, bananas, and mangos. Overconsumption of caffeine, artificial sugar and sweeteners may increase the risk of serious symptoms that can be life-threatening. Consume food that naturally contains sodium. Salt provides water retaining which is good for people who suffer from hypotension. Foods that naturally contain salt are carrots, spinach, celery, beets, shrimp, and artichokes. You can always add extra salt to your food.


A patient who suffers from low blood pressure should avoid vigorous exercises. The best type of exercises is yoga, stretching, tai chi, all of which stimulate blood pressure. Resistance training can also be very beneficial since it improves circulation, increases bone density, boosts metabolism and hormonal balance.


Increasing the daily intake of water helps keep blood volume high which further keeps our blood pressure up. Together with water, you can moderate the intake of other fluids too. Coffee and tea have caffeine which stimulates circulation, raises hearth rate and blood pressure.

No hot showers

Try taking warm (not hot) or preferably cold showers for mild cases of low blood pressure. Consider switching between cold and hot water during shower as it will have a great effect and raise blood pressure.

Stand up slowly

Make sure to stand up slowly from lying positions. If you stand up too rapidly, it causes the feeling of dizziness or even faint. This happens because the heart fails to pump enough blood due to the quick change of position. If you are lying down, first sit up for some seconds and then gradually stand up.

Medications for other conditions

Consult with your doctor if some of the medications you take lower your blood pressure. Usually, drugs that people take for anxiety and depression and some painkillers can cause hypotension.

Compression stocking

Try wearing compression stockings because they can prevent pooling blood in the legs. Wearing them while sitting or standing can ensure faster circulation of blood back to the heart and lungs.

Other tips to naturally treat low BP

  • Try not to lift heavy objects
  • Don’t stand in one place for a long time
  • Avoid long exposure to hot water

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