Get Rid of Blurry Vision Naturally, Try Herbs and Acupuncture

If you are wondering how to fix blurred vision naturally, Makari Wellness has a solution for you. Although blurry vision is, in most cases, common and treatable, it can be a sign of a more serious health condition. Depending on the cause, there are numerous treatment options available that can help. Some of them are natural, like the modalities of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which include acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, and supplements that will be presented in this text. These natural therapies are designed to improve vision focus and prevent recurring blurry vision.

Blurry vision can be a symptom of conditions that are not connected with the eyes, like stroke or migraine. The symptoms may develop in one or both eyes, depending on the cause. Some medications can also cause blurred vision as a side effect, but it is usually temporary. Determining the cause of it is extremely important, so you can get appropriate treatment.

How To Naturally Cure Blurry Vision: Try Therapies from Makari Wellness

Makari Wellness offers a unique approach designed to address each patient’s symptoms individually, depending upon the constitution, severity, and the condition itself. Our integrated whole-body approach is used as the system that is known for results – we have incredible and measurable outcomes that slowed down many degenerative diseases that have blurry vision as a symptom, like glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, myopia, pink eye, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, and many more.

We also offer convenient telemedicine consultations for symptom treatments of many eye diseases. Michael Woodworth provides fast and comprehensive video consultations for patients who do not want or cannot leave their homes.

How To Stop Blurry Vision?

Treatment of blurry vision depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, blurry vision can resolve on its own and does not require any treatment – when the cause is taken away, vision returns to normal (this is true for vision changes associated with headaches, sun exposure, and eye strain).

In other cases, blurry vision requires medications and treatment to manage underlying health conditions like diabetes, glaucoma, poor vision, heart disease, allergies, or sinus infections. Your vision may improve on its own once you have treated the other health problem.

In addition to the abovementioned, we recommend you try a natural approach that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers. It includes acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and supplements.

Acupuncture for Blurry Vision

The eyes are considered a reflection of the overall health. Acupuncture can cause a significant improvement in important visual indices. The main goal of acupuncture is to restore balance and health by manipulating the flow of ‘Qi,’ a life force that runs through the invisible tracts throughout the body, from head to toes. These pathways are known as meridians and are separate from blood vessels and nerve pathways. Points where the acupuncturist can manipulate the energy balance by inserting the thin needles are called acupuncture points.

According to the TCM, the Liver meridian is connected to the eyes. It is said that the Liver ‘opens to the eyes.’ It is the primary energy flow meridian responsible for supporting healthy vision. In addition, all internal organs nourish the eyes, impacting the healthy vision if out of balance. Many blurry vision acupuncture points address eye problems, but these below are the most common:

  • Jangming or UB-1: As the most common eye problem acupoint, it is located in the inner corner of the eye. It brings blood and Qi to the eyes to treat problems like night blindness, conjunctivitis, and blurred vision.
  • Zanzhu or UB-2: It is located in the crease at the inner end of the eyebrow. The focus on this is when the patient complains of a headache, blurred vision, tearing, redness, pain, eye twitching, and glaucoma.
  • Yuyao or EX-HN-4: Being an extra point, Yuyao is not located along one of the twelve main meridians. It can be found in the middle of the eyebrow, just right above the pupil. It is used for treating eye strain, redness, swelling, and blurry vision.
  • Sizhukong or SJ-23: It can be found in the hollow area at the outer part of the eyebrow. It treats eye and facial pain, including headaches, eye pain, redness, and blurry vision.
  • Tongzilia or GB-1: It is located on the outside corner of the eye. It is thought to brighten the eyes. Manipulating this point can help treat headaches, light sensitivity, dry eyes, eye pain, and blurry vision.

Chinese Herbs for Blurry Vision

Vision is considered one of the essential senses. Yet, few people know how to guard their eyes naturally. Thankfully, Chinese herbal medicine offers a natural way to improve your vision and overall eye health by promoting healthy circulation and flow of energy and fluids. Some of the most used herbs that treat blurred vision are:

  • Eyebright: As a herb with a long history of medicinal use, it is available as a tea, dietary supplement, liquid extract, capsules, and eye drops.
  • Ginkgo biloba: Improves blood flow to the back of the eye. It is also an antioxidant and protects nerve cells throughout the body.
  • Green tea: It is full of vitamins C, E, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin that help guard eye tissue against glaucoma and other diseases.
  • Chrysanthemum flower: It clears the Liver, improves vision, overall eye health, and clears blurred vision.
  • Buddleia flower bud: This herb helps alleviate light sensitivity, dim eyesight, and extra eye secretions. It also helps protect against cloudiness and eye lens damage.
  • Wolfberries: As one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs for eye health, besides treating blurry vision, it improves eyesight, moistens dry eyes, and prevents macular degeneration.
  • Pagoda tree flower: Used for treating dizziness, blurred vision, and red eyes due to Liver heat.


Many eye-supportive nutrients are naturally found in different food sources, like leafy green vegetables, eggs, fruit, meat, fish, and nuts. Supplements are not alternatives to a well-balanced diet; they only supplement your overall nutrition. A balanced diet of healthy foods is key to getting the full benefit of vision supplements. Some of the most important supplements that are proven beneficial for healthy eyes include:

  • Beta carotene: It is a pigment in plants that helps with the production of vitamin A and can lower the risk of macular degeneration, stroke, and other diseases.
  • Omega 3-fatty acids: These essential acids can be found in cold-water fish like salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, etc. They help regulate intraocular pressure and are linked to healthy retinal function and visual development.
  • Lutein: Lowers the risk for cataracts and macular degeneration. It can be found in eggs and leafy green vegetables.
  • Zeaxanthin: Helps in blocking the blue light from reaching the inner structures of the retina. It appears in a high concentration in the macula of the eye.
  • Zinc: In certain doses, it strengthens retinal cells and helps prevent blindness from macular degeneration.
  • Vitamin A: Helps maintain clean and sharp vision. It also reduces the risk of night blindness.
  • Vitamin C: It helps lower the formation of cataracts and helps reduce the risk of glaucoma.
  • Vitamin E: This vitamin has proven to slow cataract growth and can be found in leafy green vegetables and nuts.

Prevention of Blurred Vision

Besides the abovementioned natural supplements, there are some things you can do to prevent blurry vision and keep your eyes healthy in the long run.

  • Quit smoking: Smoking can cause serious eye problems, including optic nerve damage, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. Also, it can irritate dry eyes, so stopping smoking is always a good idea.
  • Wear eye protection: Weather can also be a cause of blurred vision. Wear sunglasses and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays in extreme heat.
  • Clean contact lenses: Washing your hands and properly disinfecting the contact lenses can also prevent blurred vision. Also, ensure you remove the lenses before you go to bed.
  • Enough resting: Eyes are organs that need more rest than any internal organ, as they are very sensitive. Provide your eyes with sufficient rest for the day, and that will improve your vision. Getting decent sleep for about 8 hours daily will also benefit your eyes.
  • Avoid triggers: For most blurred vision cases, anxiety, migraines, and stress are common triggers. Try to avoid them as much as you can.
  • Lubricate your eyes: if you experience blurry vision due to dry eyes, try over-the-counter eye drops that will lubricate your eyes and relieve the symptoms.

What is Blurry Vision?

Blurry vision is when your eyes have difficulties seeing fine detail. It appears like your eyes are out of focus, so you need to squint to see more clearly. The blurriness may be in only one eye or both. It can also be in just one area of vision or everything you look at. Moreover, blurry vision can encompass only the things that are close up or only the things that are far away, or just in certain situations. Blurred vision is a common symptom of many eye diseases. Still, it can result from outdated contact lenses or glasses or after staring at a screen.

Symptoms and Signs of Blurry Vision

Some of the most common symptoms and signs of blurry vision include:

  • Vague vision at any distance
  • Fuzzy edges
  • Lack of focus or detail when looking at something
  • Cloudy vision
  • Indistinct vision
  • Floaters across the vision field
  • Blinking often, squinting, and rubbing your eyes

These changes can come suddenly or very slowly. Also, they may come and go, especially if they are associated with eye strain, sun exposure, migraines, and other health problems.

Causes of Blurry Vision

Blurred vision causes can be very different, varying from mild eyesight imperfections to severe health problems. It can be caused by many factors, like trauma, eye strain, sun exposure, and different diseases. Some of the most frequent causes linked to diseases are:


Cataracts are very common in people over 55. They represent the primary cause of blindness worldwide. The symptoms develop slowly over time, and the main symptom is lens cloudiness. Natural cataract treatment help strengthen eyes prone to cataracts and slow down the condition’s progression.  


Glaucoma’s symptoms are very subtle – there is no pain associated with it until you notice the vision loss. Although there is no cure, acupuncture for glaucoma has proven its effectiveness in treating all glaucoma types.

Diabetic Retinopathy

This eye condition happens when the retina gets affected by high blood sugar levels. Although it is considered incurable, micro acupuncture for diabetic retinopathy helps the body build up its own step cell activity by up to 300%, which has proven vital for retinal regeneration.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is eye condition that happens due to aging, eye injury, tumors, surgery, or nearsightedness. Sealing breaks the relieving present (and future) vitreoretinal traction can be successfully done with traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, micro acupuncture 48, and Chinese herbs.


The inability to fixate on objects that are far away from you can result in blurry vision is myopia, an eye focusing disorder. Caused by a mix of hereditary and environmental factors, it can be corrected by glasses and contact lenses.

Macular Degeneration

Deterioration of the macula will affect your central vision and make you unable to drive, read, recognize faces, and do whatever requires the sharpness of the vision. Macular degeneration symptoms appear gradually but will not leave you totally blind, as the peripheral vision remains intact.

Dry Eyes

Acupuncture for dry eyes can help you relieve the symptoms, including discomfort, eye redness, irritation, blurry vision, and eye fatigue. If not treated, dry eyes can lead to eye inflammation, eye infections, and decreased quality of life.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

The infection of the eye’s outer wall can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or allergies. Conjunctivitis can be contagious but is not considered a serious condition, as it can resolve on its own or with the help of antibiotics that speed up the healing process.